
Using CloudBridal


Core Plan Ultimate Plan

CloudBridal offers several helpful reports that make it extremely easy to view insights about the data that you have entered into the system. You can generate reports on the reports page. Here you will get the following fields:

  • Report Type: The type of report that you wish to generate.
  • From Date: The start date for the data you're interested in. Inclusive.
  • To Date: The end date for the data you're interested in. Inclusive.

Each report can also be either viewed in CloudBridal by clicking View Report or exported to Excel by clicking Export to Excel. Viewing the data in CloudBridal is good for a high-level glance at your report, but if you want to do any intensive data processing we recommend exporting to Excel in order to use the full suite of features that Excel provides to make better sense of your data.

Available Reports

Appointment Resource Usage

Displays the number of appointments that each of your appointment resources has had within the given time range. These appointments are grouped by the Appointment Status, e.g. Pending or Confirmed.

Appointment Type Usage

Displays the number of appointments that each of your appointment types has had within the given time range. These appointments are grouped by the Appointment Status, e.g. Pending or Confirmed.


Displays a list of appointments within the given time range.

Customers Registered

Displays a list of both customers and prospects that have been created within the given time range. In addition to basic customer information, the report also includes information about the customer's orders and payments.

Inventory Added

Displays a list of inventory items that have been created within the given time range.

Inventory Performance

Displays how many times each of your inventory items have sold within the given time range. The items that have sold the most times will appear at the top of the list.

Orders Created

Displays a list of orders that have been created within the given time range.

Payments Created

Displays a list of payments that have been created within the given time range. This uses the Date field on the payment.

Staff Member

Displays a list of your staff member metrics for a given time range. One of the most important things about this report is that it also calculates the employee's wage based on their tracked hours and their configured hourly wage. However, this report also has other useful information like their number of shifts, how many sales they have made, and how many hours they worked.