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2025 Release Notes and Update History

February 2025


  • Added multi-store support, giving you the ability to link multiple stores and easily switch between them. Stores can be linked from the Additional Stores settings page. Once linked, you can switch between stores by clicking the store name in the center of the top navigation bar.
  • Redesigned the inventory item details page, improving the layout and mobile friendliness.
    • Note: The Item Name field is now renamed to Internal Item Name, and the Customer-Facing Item Name field is now renamed to Display Name.
  • Improved the visibility of discontinued/diposed items in the inventory. Previously, these items would be displayed when using the search bar, making it difficult to get an idea if your active inventory. Now, these items are hidden unless you enable the filter to show them. If no results are found, the system will also attempt to inform you if those items are hidden due to being marked as discontinued/disposed.
  • Enhancements to appointments waitlist:
    • When a customer adds themselves to the waitlist for a paid appointment type, their payment method is now stored on file instead of being pre-authorized. It is then charged if their waitlist request is confirmed.
    • Fixed issue where waitlist requests were sometimes shown as eligible for an open appointment slot, even if there were no open slots.
    • Fixed issue where waitlist requests would sometimes not show up in the notes area of the waitlisted date.
  • Inactive vendors no longer show up in certain dropdowns like the inventory filters.
  • Added a Condense Appointment Calendar Timeline setting, which makes the appointment calendar more compact by reducing the space each slot takes up. This is available from the Appointments Settings page.
  • Added a Only Show Main Item in Orders List setting, which makes orders in the orders list only show the main item in the order rather than all line items. This is available from the Orders Settings page.
  • You can now add notes to a staff member's schedule for a date, which are surfaced in the Staff Member Time Details report.
  • The Update Item Prices tool in the inventory page has been renamed to Quick Edit, now allowing you to also update the display name, quantity, and prices.
  • Various appointments reports now include the ability to filter by one or more appointment types, rather than just one.
  • The Staff Member Sales report now includes an Item Sale Amount column. This is similar to the Net Sales Amount column, but excludes alterations, additional work, and additional fees. This is useful if you only want to provide a commission on the sale of the item itself and not any of the extra work or fees.

January 2025


  • Added new feature: Task Templates, which is available for Ultimate plans. This feature allows you to create reusable task templates that can be used to generate tasks for your staff members.
  • When a task is linked to a customer/order, you can now link the task due date to a customer/order date such as the event date, date of sale, etc. This also includes offsetting the due date by a number of days. This makes task due dates dynamic and more relevant to the customer/order.
  • Added localization and translation support for Spanish, Czech, and Norwegian. This applies to all customer-facing features in the system such as the appointment scheduler, client portal, inventory showcase, and more. This can be enabled from the General Settings by selecting a Customer-Facing Language.
  • Added ability for staff members to log their breaks through the time tracker.
  • The inventory showcase now prominently displays filters that are applied to the items displayed, making it easier to navigate through the items.
  • Changes to various reports:
    • The Inventory Items on Hand report now allows you to:
      • Show all vendors at the same time, instead of one at a time.
      • Show items based on their status (Active, Discontinued, or Disposed).
      • Filter items by customer type.
    • The Fittings Planning report now allows you to define the order statuses that should be included in the report.
    • Several reports now surface the net sales amount instead of a total sales amount: Inventory Performance, Inventory Trends, Staff Member Sales (includes net and total sales). This better reflects the intent of the reports.
    • The Order Financials and Orders Created reports now allow you to include multiple order statuses in the report, and now filter out cancelled orders by default.
  • Various enhancements to purchase orders:
    • Quantity ordered is now clearly displayed when quantity is not 1.
    • When printing a purchase order, the format is now more standardized and includes the date, PO number, account number, vendor name, and vendor phone number. The pricing information is also now improved and more consistent.
  • You can now view inventory items sorted by Recently Updated date or Recently Added date.
  • Appointment reminder emails now include the View/Manage appointment link, similar to the confirmed appointment message.
  • Client Portal Link is now an available smart field for confirmed appointment messages and appointment reminders, allowing you to easily surface the client's portal link in your appointment messages.
  • If a customer has unsubscribed from emails, you will now receive an error message if you try to send them an email.
  • Various styling improvements throughout the system, mostly including customer-facing areas.