
Configuring CloudBridal

Dashboard Alert Settings

There are currently several available alerts that can be configured to display on your dashboard page. These alerts will help you keep track of things that you need to handle based on your data as well as customer actions. The alerts are as follow:

Late Order Alert

This alert is displayed when an order that you have placed with a vendor has not arrived on time. This alert will display for orders that are in the Ordered status and also have the Expected Arrival Date set. You can fix the alert by transitioning the order to the Arrived status when you receive the order. The following settings can be configured for this alert:

  • Disable Late Order Alert: Prevents this alert from displaying
  • Order Is Late After This Many Days: The number of days after the Expected Arrival Date that the alert will display

Order Reminder Alert

This alert is displayed when a customer's event date is coming up but their order is still in the New status. It is intended to remind you to place the order ASAP. This alert is configurable for each customer type that you service, such as Bride, Bridesmaid, etc., to allow you to have a different lead time based on the customer's type.

Unassigned Seamstress Alert

This alert displays when an order is in the Arrived status but has no seamstress assigned to it. The alert only applies to the Bride customer type.

Unregistered Customer Alert

This alert is displayed when a customer has a confirmed appointment for which they have not self-registered. It only applies when you have the Allow Customers to Self-Register Before Their Appointment setting enabled on the Customer Registration page. The alert is intended to remind you to follow up with the customer so they can fill out the registration questionnaire prior to their appointment.

Customer SMS Reply Alert

This alert is displayed when a customer has replied to an SMS message that you sent to them. This will ensure that you don't lose track of any received messages. Once you view their message, the alert will be hidden.

Unassociated Customer Alert

This alert is displayed when a customer has visited your shop for at least one appointment but has no sales associate assigned to their profile. It is intended to help you ensure that you have a record of the sales associate that is working with each customer.