Work Orders
Work orders are an easy way to keep track of the work that needs to be assigned to seamstresses based on a customer's order. To begin creating work orders, you will need to navigate to the Work Orders page in the side menu. When you click the Create Work Order button, you will be presented with an interface that has the following fields:
- Work Order Mode: This is one of three options, the default of which can be set in the Work Order settings. Track Time will automatically track how long a seamstress works based on the seamstress updating the work order status in CloudBridal. Flat Fee allows you to set a flat rate for the work order. No Cost Tracking will not consider the cost at all for work orders.
- Due Date: Which date the work for the work order must be done by. You can also set the Default Due Date (Days Before Event Date) field in the settings, which will automatically set the due date to the set number of days before the customer's event date.
- Assigned To: The Seamstress who should work on the work order.
- Customer Order: The customer order associated with this work order.
- Estimated Hours to Complete: Track Time mode only. The baseline estimate for work hours.
- Flat Fee: Flat Fee mode only. The amount of the flat fee.
- Instructions: Notes or instructions related to the work order.
- Additional Work: A selectable list of the Work Order Additional Work Options configured in the settings.
After creating the work order, you will see it populated in the New Work Orders section of the page. This section represents work orders where the work has not started.The work orders in the New status.
In order for a seamstress to begin work on a work order, you must register them as a seamstress in the Staff Member settings. It is also a good idea to create a Seamstress role that has the minimum amount of permissions that a seamstress needs to fulfill their role. In particular, they must have the Handle permission for Work Orders.Marking a staff member as a seamstress, including setting their role to Seamstress (defined below).
Creating a Seamstress role that can Handle work orders.
After you invite the seamstress and they register, they should then navigate to the Work Orders tab in the side menu. The seamstress will only see work orders that they are currently assigned to.An example view for a seamstress that has a New and Completed work order.
If they click the View button to begin working on the work order, they will be presented with an interface that has the Order Details, Work Order Details, and also a Work Notes field where they can leave any notes they wish. The seamstress will also be presented with the option to Start Work, which will transition the work order into the Started status.
In the Started status, the work order can then be transitioned into the following statuses:
- Paused: Mark the work as paused and stop tracking time for the work order. When paused, the seamstress can then Resume the work, bringing it back into the Started status.
- Complete: Mark the work order as completed. This locks the work order, and the seamstress will no longer be able to make any changes.
In addition, both the administrator and the seamstress can view the status history of the work order at any given time by clicking the View History button. This presents an interface that contains a record of every status transition and who initiated the transition.The work order history interface. It starts at the top from the assigner and then goes down as the seamstress works on the order.
When a work order is completed, it will display in the Completed Work Orders section. This section displays work orders that have been completed within the last 30 days. Viewing the work order provides a summary of the work order, including the total time worked.